Everything you need to know about hormonal imbalances

Our endocrine system is essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, when hormones are disturbed by natural fluctuations, such as puberty, pregnancy or menopause, or chronic in the event of diseases, for example, the symptoms can multiply.

Overproduction or underproduction of hormones can lead to imbalances. But, since each period of life and each cycle are different, the treatment proposed by the doctor varies according to different factors.

What are hormones in men

and the woman?

Hormones are chemical substances produced by the glands of our endocrine system (all organs that have the ability to release hormones into the blood). They travel through the blood to tissues and organs to deliver “messages” in our body regarding, for example, appetite, heart rate, sleep, libido, mood, stress level or even body temperature.

Both women and men can be subject to hormonal disorders, but women are at risk of developing different hormonal imbalances than men, because they have different endocrine organs and cycles.

Definition: what is an imbalance

hormonal ?

Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the blood. Due to their essential role, their overproduction or underproduction can lead to imbalances, which can themselves cause significant side effects throughout the body. Every person goes through phases of hormonal imbalances, whether during puberty , menstruation or pregnancy in women… Some also experience continuous problems. Periods of life (pregnancy, menopause, etc.) and certain diseases (diabetes, thyroid disorder, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc.) can affect hormones, especially in women.

Causes: what causes

hormonal imbalance?

Women, but also men, can have problems with insulin, steroids, growth hormones and adrenaline. Women can suffer from estrogen and progesterone imbalances, while for men it is testosterone.

Several medical conditions can also impact the endocrine glands. Lifestyle and certain environmental factors can also play a role in hormonal imbalances.

Among the most common causes of imbalances are stress, diabetes, thyroid disorders, anorexia, as well as Addison’s disease and allergic reactions. Serious infections Benign tumors, cancers and cysts, which involve endocrine glands, poor diet and overweight can also be the causes of this hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms: How do you know if you

have a hormonal imbalance?

How can we notice an imbalance? The most common signs include unexplained weight gain or loss, excessive sweating, trouble sleeping, increased sensitivity to cold and heat, and very dry skin and rashes.

Other symptoms, such as unexplained fatigue, irritability, headaches, more frequent urination and bloating are diagnosed in a person who suffers from a hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance depend on which glands and hormones are affected. To diagnose a hormonal imbalance, it is possible to carry out a hormonal balance sheet.

When to do a hormonal balance?

Hormonal assessment in women is carried out to look for abnormalities in the functioning of hormones through blood or urine samples. It needs to be performed at a particular moment of the menstrual cycle: often between the 2e and the 5e day of menstruation, apart from any treatment.

How to solve a hormonal disorder?

Treatment for a hormonal imbalance varies depending on the cause, and in each case of hormonal imbalance, care and treatment are individual. There are various medications on the market to reduce the symptoms associated with this type of disorder.

Hormonal contraception, as well as hormonal replacement drugs are part of it.

Hormone replacement therapy helps treat mainly hot flashes and night sweats. Your gynecologist will offer you the best solution, not only to treat the imbalance, but also to improve your daily life. If necessary, it is also possible to take antidepressant treatment.

What natural treatment for

hormonal problems?

To treat hormonal disorders or imbalances, a change in lifestyle is also effective: this begins with a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, but also by maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise , stress reduction, as well as the use of natural products that help restore a correct hormonal system.

Finally, psychological support can be very useful for patients whose hormonal imbalance affects the quality of life. It is also possible to use alternative medicine, such as medicinal plants or acupuncture.

Source : www.santemagazine.fr

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