Ex-GNTM winner Alisar Ailabouni: 13 years after the victory

13 years after the win

Pretty changed: This is what ex-GNTM winner Alisar Ailabouni looks like today

Alisar Ailabouni won the fifth season of “Germany’s next top model” in 2010

picture alliance / Geisler-Fotop, Geisler-Fotopress

window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/alisar-ailabouni-vom-fluechtlingskind-zum-topmodel-2489448.html ‘))()”> Alisar Ailabouni (33) is one of the most successful GNTM winners from all seasons. To this day she is a very popular model. On Instagram, the Syrian-born followers share her life – some fans are noticed changes in her look.

Alisar Ailabouni poses in a red mini dress

window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/alisar-ailabouni-zusatzwissen-ueber-die-siegerin-der-5 -gntm-staffel-2489520.html’))()”> Alisar Ailabouni (33) won the fifth season of window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/gntm-2023-wer-ist-raus-ganze- Folge-online-sehen-alle-kandiatinnen-co-alle-infos-5023507.html’))( )”> “Germany’s next top model”. The model, who was born in Damascus, was then able to achieve great international success: she walked at London Fashion Week back in 2011 and the 33-year-old is still a sought-after model to this day. She is regularly booked for various catwalk and jobs and is under contract with seven German and international model agencies.

In a recent Instagram post, the ex- window.dataLayer.push(event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘https://www.rtl.de/cms/gntm -2023-lieblinge-von-heidi-klum-these-candidates-she-introduced-in-person-5028380.html’))()”> GNTM winner in a skin-tight red mini dress and perfect make-up. On the occasion of the On Valentine’s Day, she poses with a bouquet of red roses and shares photos from dinner with her loved one.

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The reactions of the followers are divided

Her fans are mostly impressed by Ailabouni’s latest photos. “Alisar, you beauty,” writes a user in the comments. “You look fantastic!” enthuses another user. But there are also critical voices: A fan notes: “You don’t look like you did back then, unfortunately. Like a mask.” “Beautiful, but somehow you don’t look happy. However, photos are only snapshots,” commented another follower.

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