Excitement about the new TU Linz: hearings for the election of the founding president postponed

Originally, 15 people applied for the position of founding president, including the outgoing rector of the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Meinhard Lukas. Eight should have faced the hearings in the nine-strong founding convention – which elects the founding president.

According to the convention, the resignation of a member meant that the prerequisites for a decision were no longer met. A new meeting date can only be set after a subsequent nomination by the Ministry of Education.

“Biased Board Members”

“At least three of the nine members are or were biased,” Bast justified his withdrawal. For example, the vice rector of the JKU, Christopher Lindinger, is a member of the convention and would have to have a say in decisions about Lukas. There are similar concerns with other people or candidates. “Since this would lead to a rump convention, I don’t think it would be good for me to continue to be involved.” A new president must build the institute from the ground up. “You need a person who has the full support of a panel of experts.”

“No content level”

Bast also regretted that we never got around to talking about content. “We never talked about studies or direction.” Instead, reference was repeatedly made to concept papers and the technical orientation was emphasized. It also went unchallenged that more students in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT) had to be attracted. “But digital transformation is more than more students in STEM subjects.”

Overall, the “substantive dimension remained behind,” regretted Bast. He originally went into the project with “great enthusiasm”. “But I don’t think it can go on like this.”

Ministry nominates member after

“We have taken note of the convention member’s resignation and the resulting postponement of further steps,” emphasized the ministry. “We will of course nominate as soon as possible so that there are no further delays.”

The IDSA is scheduled to start operations in autumn. Before that, however, the founding president, who has yet to be appointed, must start looking for professors in cooperation with the founding convention. Research priorities and courses are also unclear – these first have to be developed.

“project of the century”

Upper Austria’s governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) tried to calm things down: “With a project of the century, such as the founding of a unique university, there will always be challenges,” he said in a written statement. It is important “that all open questions are clarified quickly” so that the work in the founding convention can continue. “We in Upper Austria will do everything we can to ensure that the responsible Ministry of Science and the founding convention come to a decision quickly.”

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