EXCLUSIVE Lastly, Kouri from the Carnival – 2024-05-15 15:43:33

“Finish titles” are coming quickly for Kouri’s tenure on the Carnival Group, with its present vice-president, Pavlos Skouras, occupying her place!

As reported by unique data of “Peloponnisos” newspaperthe choice has been made and the related announcement can be made by the mayor Kostas Peletidis himself within the subsequent interval.

It is about a improvement that “P” had prescribed for months, when contained in the Metropolis Corridor he was attempting to ask Mr. Peletidis, if Ira Kouri had the political legitimacy to proceed main the Group, since she was not even elected as a municipal councilor with the Folks’s Rally within the final municipal elections. Then, “P’s” query had brought on irritation and the explosion of the mayor, who in an unethical transfer, had collected the microphones(!) with a view to keep away from the reply.

Nevertheless, our data signifies that Pavlos Skouras was focused to take over the administration of the Carnival Group within the first 12 months, instantly after the municipal elections, however then, for private causes, he had refused.

Mr. Skouras himself was requested by “P” for the upcoming assumption of the place of president, however he politely refused to say the leastnevertheless, he didn’t deny the knowledge of “P”.

No matter how the municipal authority will try to publicly justify the change of president within the Carnival Group, in order that to not “empty” politically and personally Ms. Kouri, it’s sure that the mayor needs to do restarting the Municipality’s relations with the carnival neighborhood and particularly with the historic crews of Hidden Treasure.

It is identified that the local weather between Ira Kouri and the crews is heatedsince in all of the earlier years, the suitable channel of communication was not discovered between them, with the consequence that public tensions and counterclaims on each side are frequent.

On the opposite, Pavlos Skouras is a connoisseur of the Patrinos Carnival and particularly the Kids’s Carnival, within the group of which he actively participated for a lot of years, whereas he stands out for his mushy tones and consensual type.

#EXCLUSIVE #Lastly #Kouri #Carnival

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