Exercise That Helps Lower Blood Sugar

According to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, exercise is a key factor for glucose levels in people diagnosed with diabetes. As indicated, it can help regulate weight, improve general fitness, improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

To start exercising regularly it is important to consult a doctor, because having diabetes you must follow some instructions to avoid health complications.

“Diabetes and exercise also pose unique challenges. To exercise safely, you’ll need to track your blood sugar before, during, and after physical activity. This will show you how your body responds to exercise, which can help prevent fluctuations. potentially dangerous levels of blood sugar,” explains the Mayo Clinic.

For its part, the web portal Hola! points out several exercises that can be easily performed at home. It should be remembered that before doing them you should consult a doctor.

  1. Trot instead: If you don’t have a treadmill at home, you can replace this activity by jogging in one place. You can do several sets of two minutes of jogging with a minute of rest.
  2. Jump the rope: jumping rope can be done anywhere in the house that is flat and suitable for jumping. “It is a safe method to burn fat, so it guarantees the reduction of the level of sugar in the blood. Run several series with intervals of between one and two minutes”, indicates the portal.
  3. Jump Squat: In addition to strengthening the legs, squats help lower blood glucose and burn fat. “You can do them in a slow and controlled way or fast and continuous. The exercise that we propose consists of performing the traditional squat, but adding a small jump when you finish it”, details Hola!.

Sugar in the blood

Blood sugar, also known as glucose, is the main sugar that is present in the blood. This is obtained in the daily diet and is used by the body as energy.

When there are high levels, the risk of suffering from diabetes increases, a chronic disease that, if not treated in a timely manner, can cause serious health effects.

“Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. Over time, this can cause serious problems. Even if a person doesn’t have diabetes, they can still have health problems if their blood sugar is too low or too high,” explains Medline Plus, the US National Library of Medicine website.

There are three types of diabetes. Type 1, which is characterized by being the least common, can occur at any age (children, youth and adults) and it happens when there is deficient production of insulin or there is it in minimal amounts. Type 2 is the most common and its symptoms are silent, so some people do not know they have the disease and the risk of complications increases in your state of health. Finally, there is gestational diabetes which, as its name indicates, occurs during pregnancy and increases complications during childbirth; In addition, it increases the risk that the mother and child will develop type 2 diabetes in the future.

Medline Plus, the website of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, points out some recommendations to have a healthy lifestyle and avoid high glucose levels:

  • Reduce daily salt intake.
  • Avoid eating foods that are high in sugar.
  • During the day, eat small portions of food.
  • Include whole foods, fruits and vegetables.
  • Decrease fat intake.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Analyze the amount of carbohydrates consumed during the day.

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