Exercise to prevent cancer, what should I do?

Exercise, such as jogging, lowers the risk of cancer. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

One of the ways to help prevent cancer is exercise. An 11-year follow-up study of more than 1.4 million people found that restful physical activity lowered the risk of several types of cancer. In a broad sense, exercise includes all physical activities that occur in daily life.

In fact, exercise is important in reducing the risk of several cancers. For colorectal cancer, for example, exercise can reduce contact with cancer-causing substances by helping waste products pass through the intestines faster. High-intensity exercise can help prevent breast cancer by lowering estrogen levels in the body, and vigorous physical activity causes less insulin and insulin-like growth factor to be produced, which accelerates tumor growth.

◇How much exercise should I do?

To reduce the risk of cancer, it is recommended to do 1 hour of moderate-intensity exercise and 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise every day. Moderate-intensity physical activity includes brisk walking, mowing the lawn, and moderate-speed swimming and biking that slightly increase your breathing and heart rate (heart rate). Vigorous activity is defined as exercise between 70% and 85% of your maximum heart rate. These exercises include soccer, squash, netball, basketball, aerobics, circuit training, jogging, brisk biking, and rowing.

◇How to exercise regularly every day?

First, exercise should be viewed as an opportunity, not an inconvenience. And you can increase the amount of exercise in your daily life. Leaving the car on a walk when going shopping, taking a short walk at lunchtime, etc. Walking or riding a bike to work is the best way to go.

Even at work, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and get off the subway or bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. Being active in household chores, such as cleaning, also helps. Dance, jumping rope, Pilates, and yoga are also considered effective exercises.

◇Exercise reduces cancer risk

 Esophageal cancer

One study found that exercise could reduce the risk of esophageal cancer by 42%. Esophageal cancer was more common in people who did not eat fruits or vegetables and drank a lot of hot drinks. Therefore, these people, especially, exercise regularly to offset the risk of esophageal cancer.

△ Liver cancer

Liver cancer can be reduced by 27% with exercise. Of course, it is important to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, and other factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure need to be well managed.

△ Lung cancer

The best way to keep your lungs healthy is not to smoke. However, air pollution is another cause of lung cancer. One study found that exercise lowered the risk of lung cancer by 26% as a great way to avoid lung disease.

△ Kidney cancer

Exercise can reduce your risk of kidney disease by 23%. If you quit smoking and drinking alcohol here, you can keep your kidneys strong. Another factor in your risk of kidney cancer is aging, but there are many ways you can stop it.

△Stomach cancer

Exercising to get rid of fat and maintaining an appropriate weight can help prevent stomach cancer. Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce the risk of stomach cancer by 22%.

 Endometrial cancer

If you experience vaginal bleeding or pelvic pain, you may have endometrial cancer. However, regular exercise can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by 21%.

Myeloid leukemia

It is a type of cancer that infects not only bone marrow, but also blood and white blood cells. Exercising regularly can reduce the risk of developing myeloid leukemia by 21%.

The myeloma

When plasma cells, a type of white blood cell in the bone marrow, abnormally differentiate and continue to proliferate, it causes blood cancer, which is called myeloma. Exercise can lower your risk of this type of myeloma by 17%.

△ Colon cancer

Malignant tumors in the colon and rectum are called colorectal cancer. When cancer occurs in the colon, it is called colon cancer, when it occurs in the rectum, it is called rectal cancer. A study found that exercise lowered the risk of rectal cancer by 16%.

△ Head and neck cancer

Cancer of the head and neck is called head and neck cancer. Exercise can reduce the risk of head and neck cancer by 15%.

A bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is a malignant tumor that occurs in the bladder. Smoking is the most dangerous cause, and occupational exposure to carcinogens is also associated with the disease. Exercise can reduce your risk of bladder cancer by 13%.

△ Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a mass (a palpable mass) made up of cancer cells in the breast. In general, breast cancer refers to cancer that arises from the ducts and lobules of the breast. Regular exercise can reduce your risk of breast cancer by 10%.

By Kwon Soon-il, staff reporter [email protected]

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited

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