Experts Interpret Beijing’s New Coronary Drug Catalog: Buy According to Curative Effects

Experts Interpret Beijing’s New Coronary Drug Catalog: Buy According to Curative Effects

Recently, many citizens have concentrated on buying Lianhua Qingwen, Jinhua Qinggan, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and other drugs. In this regard, Hu Xin, the chief pharmacist of the Department of Pharmacy of Beijing Hospital, said that there are many drug options with similar efficacy on the market, and citizens do not need to focus on certain brands of drugs, and it is not recommended to stock up on drugs when they are not sick.

Beijing recently released the “Catalogue of Drugs for Patients Infected with New Coronavirus (First Edition)”, recommending 108 drugs to the public, all of which are sold on the market. Hu Xin introduced that it covers a variety of medicines that can replace Lianhua Qingwen and Jinhua Qinggan. For example, for symptoms such as nasal congestion, sore throat, headache and fever, citizens can choose compound acetaminophen tablets, acetaminophen pseudomamefene oral liquid, compound acetaminophen ama oral liquid, acetaminophen pseudomamefene tablets, etc. Among them, compound paracetamol oral liquid is more suitable for early symptoms of children infected with the new crown, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, chills, fever, etc.

Hu Xin added that Chinese patent medicines for cold symptoms such as fever, fear of cold, nasal congestion, and headache include Shuanghuanglian Granules, Yindan Jiedu Granules, Xiaochaihu Granules/tablets, Jinlian Qingre Granules, Qingrejiedu Oral Liquid, Antiviral Oral Liquid, and Shuanghuanglian Granules. Fengjiedu granules/capsules, Qingkailing granules/tablets/capsules/soft capsules, Jingfang granules; Chinese patent medicines for cough and expectoration also include Jizhi syrup, Tongxuanlifei pills/oral liquid, Lingyang Qingfei pills/granules , Yangyin Qingfei pills/oral liquid, etc.; for sore throat, you can choose Liushen pills/capsules, Niuhuang Shangqing pills, Niuhuang Jiedu tablets, Qingyan dripping pills, etc.

“When taking these medicines at home, you must pay attention to the dosage, and avoid repeated medications to avoid serious adverse reactions.” Hu Xin took the commonly used antipyretic drug acetaminophen as an example. The daily dosage of adults should not exceed 2 grams. Causes severe liver damage. “Acetaminophen has an antipyretic effect. Many compound cold medicines and Chinese patent medicines contain this ingredient. Read the instructions carefully before taking medicine to avoid excessive intake.”

Some COVID-19 patients will develop fever symptoms after infection, and their body temperature exceeds 38.5°C. Consider taking antipyretics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. “Citizens need to pay special attention to the fact that the two antipyretics cannot be taken at the same time. The medicines should be taken according to the time interval. Generally speaking, they should be taken at intervals of 4 to 6 hours.” Hu Xin reminded repeatedly that even if there is no obvious effect after taking the medicine, it cannot Repeated doses within a short period of time.

“Fever is a manifestation of the body’s immune cells fighting the virus, so don’t worry too much.” Hu Xin said that patients can also take some physical cooling methods, such as applying a cold towel to the forehead or wiping the body with alcohol. If the high fever persists for more than 3 days, the patient should go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Children and elderly patients should strictly follow the instructions when using the medicine. Hu Xin said that children have their own special medicines, and the dosage is generally calculated according to body weight. It is recommended to use suspensions, granules and other preparations that are easy to take and can ensure accurate dosage. “After using antipyretics, the human body tends to sweat. Children and the elderly should pay special attention to avoid electrolyte imbalance and replenish water in time.”

Edited by Chen Yuanyuan

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