Experts warn of new scam software “Allcome”

PayPal is a popular payment service provider when shopping online. But new malware is worrying experts: it can manipulate the Windows clipboard – with drastic consequences.

A friend brought you something at the restaurant because you didn’t have enough cash with you? Then PayPal is the right choice, the payment service provider with which you can send money to friends, family or companies easily and in real time.

Now, however, the German I warnsT security company GData from a scam software that can manipulate payments. This is reported by the “” platform. Accordingly, the program called “Allcome” takes advantage of when you copy an email address from an email into the recipient field in PayPal.

the Software manipulates the clipboard and replaces the actual address to which the money should go with a fake address. Consequently, if you’re not careful, the money will go to scammers – and you’ve lost it.

You should pay attention to this

Even with amounts in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoins, which you send via PayPal, the software works, it goes on to say. It can happen particularly quickly here, as the recipient addresses often consist of a numerical code.

Before sending the amount of money, you can use PayPal to check whether the recipient’s address and the amount are correct. You should always do this, but especially if you notice something suspicious. In this case, you should definitely cancel the transfer.

So far, the software has only been registered on Windows systems. There’s a good chance they’ll be up soon Smartphones or Macbooks will work, writes “” further.

PayPal with new payment option

PayPal is particularly popular in Online-Shopping frequently in use. The payment service provider recently added a new function to its “Pay later” option, as the company announced at the end of January. The new service “Payment in 30 days” should be visible in the PayPal account of customers and merchants in the coming weeks.

Additionally should consumer have the ability to defer the payment due date once before the 30 days are up for a fee. Only with a purchase value of less than 20 euros will no fee be due, PayPal said.

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