Explore the Aquitaine School Sarcophagus at the Henri-Prades Museum in Lattes: ASPAHC Visit and Exhibition Details

2023-12-05 04:05:00

Members of the local heritage association, ASPAHC, were invited to visit the “Septimania” exhibition at the Henri-Prades museum in Lattes. They were able to see the cast of the sarcophagus which was once located in the commune and which was stored in the courtyard of the Piquetalen estate. It was subsequently sold to the Louvre Museum and is currently on display at the Louvre Lens Museum. This marble sarcophagus known as the Aquitaine school dates from the 6th century AD and the decoration of the central panel represents Christ surrounded by two figures who are assimilated to the apostles Peter and Paul. Since 2002, the copy of the sarcophagus has been exhibited at the town hall which kindly lent it to the archaeological museum of Lattes as part of the exhibition “Septimania” which can be seen in Lattes until February 5.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 66 92 67 39.

#ASPAHC #Lattes #museum

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