Extremely precious color photos of life in Mongolia in 1913

2023-04-16 12:45:00

Group prayer in front of the gate of Megjid janraiseg temple, Gandan monastery, Urga, the old name of Ulaanbaatar – the capital Mongolia, 1913. Photo: Stéphane Passet/Collections.albert-kahn.hauts-de-seine.fr.Group of lamas and parishioners near the palace grounds in Urga.The lama stood on the road west of the palace.Group of lamas standing by the row of stupas marking the boundary of Gandantegchinlen Monastery, one of the largest monasteries Mongolia.A European wears Mongolian costumes take pictures with officials in the government apparatus of Bogd Khan – the spiritual leader of the Mongols.The paddock outside the palace area.The settlement of the nomads on the outskirts of Urga. Residents here live in traditional tents called yurts.Group of young lamas standing near a yurt tent and cattle carts.Two Mongolian young men sit in front of their yurt tent.A teenager leaning against a yurt tent.A framed yurt tent. The skins used to wrap it were scattered all around.A camp was established to the west of Gandan Monastery, on the plains of Tuul.Another photo of the campsite.A horse is resting.Invite readers to watch the video Tokyo Skytree Tower – the tallest structure in Japan. source: People’s Television.

#Extremely #precious #color #photos #life #Mongolia

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