Facebook users are puzzled! Suddenly the “edit post” button on the Facebook app disappeared?!

Many Facebook users seem to be upset that the “edit post” button used to edit posts on the mobile app is missing.

Facebook is one of the few social media platforms that allow users to edit the text of an image after the post has been published. Unlike Twitter, it doesn’t allow users to edit a post or retrieve it after it’s tweeted.

The question that many people wonder is where has the edit button gone? And more importantly, will it come back or not?

Several Facebook users vented their concerns on Twitter with the same question, where did their edit button go? and continued with numerous comments on Facebook.

According to this tweet, the feature disappeared after he updated the iOS app’s Facebook app software on the App Store (Android users seem to have not experienced the issue).

What users are most dissatisfied with It’s probably something that Facebook doesn’t come out to comment on. about this

Many people are probably wondering and wanting to know. Is there a solution to this problem?

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a solution to this problem until Facebook addresses the issue. or the app has been updated on the mobile device Therefore, the solution to this problem is to use the desktop version of Facebook first because users can also edit the post and the caption of the published image of the post.

This may not be the real solution to the problem, but it’s probably the only viable solution for now.

However, the advancing team noted that if the desktop version of Facebook is still able to use the feature, that means it probably won’t go away forever. But it may be caused by some updates that go wrong inside Facebook itself. So while we wait for an answer or wait for Facebook to fix the problem. It’s best to use the desktop version of Facebook first. or at least Read the captions that you typed before you press the post.


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