Fallout 76: A Glorious World and Expansion Plans for 2024

2023-12-20 01:32:54

Six months ago, Bethesda revealed that Fallout 76 had reached another milestone with over 15 million players, a number that’s truly impressive considering a completely botched launch in 2018, complete with negative reviews and tons of complaints from the community.
But the hard work paid off, and today, Fallout 76 offers a glorious world that has been built several times over and offers plenty to do.Gamers continue to discover radioactive adventures in the six months since June – as Written by BethesdaThat number has climbed by 2 million players:

“Just last month we celebrated our fifth anniversary, and we’ve come a long way since we first stepped out of the shelter and into the wildlands of Appalachia. With a total of 17 million players Experience a new Fallout story and characters in Wastelanders. In Iron Reign and Iron Dawn you make momentous choices that affect the outcome of the region. You even venture beyond the borders of Appalachia , with Pete and now Atlantic City. You’ve seen the traveling carnival, unlocked tons of Fallout season content, battled ghostly Scorches, hit New Jersey’s stunning post-nuclear boardwalk, and more.
We’re also excited to hear that Bethesda will continue to expand their beloved badlands in Appalachia. The second part of Atlantic City will arrive sometime in the spring of 2024, and we can also expect a larger map,” Deep into the wooded heart of Shenandoah” next year has yet to be determined.
Have you played Fallout 76 recently, or do you plan to?

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