fatigue is also one of the many symptoms

The number of people in whom a cancer bowel is diagnosed is increasing. Symptoms of the disease most often appear in the stool, but there are also signs in the stomachwhich are less common.

Colorectal cancer, also called colorectal carcinoma, affects the large intestine, which includes the colon and rectum. The exact cause of colorectal cancer is unclear, but several factors increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer, including age, genes, and lifestyle.

Bowel Cancer Symptoms

According to BMI Healthcarepain or lumps in the stomach can indicate a dangerous disease. Some tumors can become so large that they can be felt from the outside. Bowel Cancer UK wrote about it:

“You may experience pain or a lump in your stomach area (abdomen) or back area. See your family doctor if these symptoms do not go away or if they are affecting your sleep or eating .”

If internal bleeding occurs, it is usually not detectable. However, severe anemia caused by blood loss can cause a person to feel weak and exhausted. The intestine is a part of the digestive system that breaks down food and transports undigested waste to the rectum, where they are eliminated. It is therefore not surprising that many symptoms concern the stomach and can occur when using the toilet.

Risk factors

The presence of one or more risk factors does not guarantee that you will develop bowel cancer. Some elements of our diet clearly have a direct influence on the risk of colorectal cancer, and in some cases, this influence is even positive. Many studies have associated consumption of red meat and processed meat at increased risk of bowel cancer. Reports from UK cancer research state that “around 13 in 100 cases of colorectal cancer (around 13%) in the UK are linked to the consumption of these meats.

Others bowel cancer symptoms are :

  • Persistent changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation, or change in stool consistency.
  • Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding
  • Persistent abdominal pain, such as cramping, bloating or stomach heaviness.
  • The impression that the intestines are not completely emptied
  • Prolonged fatigue or exhaustion

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