February fruit and vegetable calendar

The month of February is here and invites us to delight our taste buds with seasonal vegetables and fruits. Thanks to these foods, we can cook varied and tasty dishes and desserts. To help you choose the right products, here is an overview of the vegetables and fruits to buy during this period.

As for vegetables, pumpkins, carrots, leeks and cauliflower are given pride of place. You can also find Jerusalem artichokes, endives, spinach and celery. For fruit, you can feast on apples, pears, oranges, lemons and kiwis.

With this multitude of flavors and textures, you will be able to prepare varied and nutritious meals. You can concoct soups, quiches, pan-fried vegetables, fruit juices, smoothies and pies.

February vegetables

Carrots, celeriac, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards and endives are all examples of particularly nutritious root vegetables.

Carrots : the carrot is rich in carotenoids, which give it its orange color and which are beneficial for the protection of the cells.

Celeriac : celery is anti-inflammatory and helps prevent cancer thanks to its flavonoids. Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin C and calcium and the latter is well absorbed by the body.

Cauliflower : Cauliflower is also rich in glucosinolates, which help protect against cancer.

Endive : endive contains chicoric acid – an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer – as well as vitamins A, B9 and K.

Chewed up : Lamb’s lettuce contains beta-carotene and iron. Turnips are a good source of vitamins C, B9 and B6, as well as calcium and potassium.

Parsnip : parsnip is rich in fiber and apigenin and polyacetylenes, antioxidants that play a role in the prevention of cancer.

Leek : leeks are rich in fiber and potassium.

Black radish : black radish promotes the secretion of bile and helps the liver in its detoxification process.

White cabbage : white cabbage is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is also good for digestive health.

Kale : Kale is rich in vitamins K and A, and is a good source of fiber.

Red cabbage : Red cabbage is rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and K.

Onion : the onion is rich in flavonoids and sulfur compounds.

Potato : potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and potassium.

Salsify : Salsify contains antioxidants and dietary fibre, and is also a source of vitamin A and potassium.

Jerusalem artichokes : Jerusalem artichokes are a good source of B vitamins, fiber and minerals.

The Fruits of February

Pineapple : The exotic and fragrant fruit is rich in vitamins C and B6 and minerals such as manganese, iron and copper. It helps improve digestive health and lose weight.

Lawyer : Well known for providing a good amount of healthy fats, avocado is rich in vitamins B, E and K and potassium. It contains antioxidants that help protect against cell damage and improve heart health.

Banana : A banana is an excellent choice for a healthy snack, as it is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. It provides energy and essential nutrients and is known for its digestive health benefits and as a source of antioxidants.

Citron : Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that help protect against free radical damage. It is known for its antiseptic properties and benefits for digestive and heart health.

Clementine : Clementines are rich in vitamin C and fiber and contain other nutrients such as B vitamins and minerals. They are known to provide healthy energy and for their immune and digestive health benefits.

Passion fruit : Passion fruit is an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A and C, as well as many antioxidants. It is recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties and its benefits for the immune system.

Grenade : Pomegranate is rich in vitamin C and contains antioxidants and polyphenols that help protect against free radical damage and improve heart health.

Kiwi : The kiwi is rich in vitamins C and E and minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and digestive health benefits.

Litchi : Lychee is high in vitamin C and contains antioxidants and flavonoids that help protect against free radical damage. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and heart health benefits.

Mango : Mango is rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage. It is known for its digestive health benefits and for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Orange : Orange is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and benefits for heart and immune health.

Grapefruit : Grapefruit is high in vitamin C and contains antioxidants and flavonoids that help protect against free radical damage. It is recognized for its immune and digestive health benefits.

Pear : Pear is rich in vitamin C and fiber and contains antioxidants and minerals that help protect against free radical damage. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and digestive health benefits.

Apple : The apple is an excellent source of fiber and is rich in vitamins and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is known for its digestive and heart health benefits and for its anti-inflammatory properties.

To summarize the fruits and vegetables for February:

February vegetables February fruits

????Carrot okay

????White cabbage ????Avocado
????Kale ????Banana
????Red cabbage ????Citron
????Celery okay ????Clementine
????Endive ok ????Passion fruit
???? Chew ok ????Grenade
????Onion ????Kiwi
???? Leek ok ????Litchi
????Potato ????Mango
????Radied eight ????Orange
????Salsify ????Grapefruit
???? Jerusalem artichoke ????Pear

The best winter recipe ideas

Winter vegetables are perfect for creating healthy and nutritious meals. There are many ways to use them to create varied and delicious dishes.

Winter vegetables are rich in nutrients and vitamins, making them an excellent source of healthy and nutritious food. Here are some meal ideas to make with winter vegetables.

Do not hesitate to consult our dedicated category to have recipe ideas.

Start with a dish of rice and winter vegetables. Use vegetables like carrots, leeks, and squash to give your dish a rich, savory taste.

This month of February is an invitation to discover new tastes and savor a variety of recipes. Feel free to experiment with original combinations and give free rein to your culinary imagination. You will be the happiest and most fulfilled thanks to a healthy and varied diet.

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