Fede Bal and his parents’ reaction when they found marijuana at the age of 17: “They wanted to intern me”

very happy for his relationship with Sophia Aldrey, Federico Balwho enjoys a much quieter life in his spectacular househe remembered when his mother, Carmen Barbieriand your dad, Santiago Bal, they found marijuana when I was a teenager.

The actor said he had 17 years and that his family was so concerned about his physical and mental health that they quickly they took him to a psychiatrist because they thought they had an “addicted” son.

They wanted to admit me. We went to talk to Eduardo Kalina (specialist in psychiatry, master’s degree in addictions) because ‘We have an addicted son!’, they said. I don’t know, it was something that we had passed at school, silly. Dad was crying: ‘What did we do?! What were we wrong?! ‘, he repeated, “he said in dialogue with Infobae.

And he remembered his answer: “I explained to him: ‘Old man, I’m not a criminal, I want you to understand. I have a vocation, I’m studying…’. It was such a big drama that they even tried to do a contrast study to see how much brain damage I had. It had been two whistles!“.


In this context, the actor revealed that a decade later smoked marijuana with Carmen and it didn’t go well at all.

We shared a joint in Amsterdam, because he thought it was cool there. Within ten minutes he began to feel ill. She became crazy. She went into stores and left with clothes in hand without paying. She became extremely paranoid and asked to be hospitalized. She made me feel lousy,” she closed it.

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