Find out when the return plan for FONAVI contributors comes out | Ad Hoc Commission for the Return of Contributions to the Housing Fund | ANSWERS

June 15 is the estimated date on which the plan of operations will be ready for the return to the contributors of the National Housing Fund (Fonavi)This was confirmed in an interview with Successful, the member of the Ad Hoc Commission, Luis Luzuriaga.

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It is worth mentioning that this project encountered many obstacles along the way, however, it finally surfaced, as Luzuriaga himself pointed out: “We should have given more than one hundred percent of our effort, but we managed to do our job and finally convinced everyone to join our work”.

It should be noted that said plan of operations will have the most approximate estimate of the funds recovered as a result of the contributions to Fonavi, which will be deposited in the accounts of the commission.

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Likewise, forms 1 and 2 are already available, which indicate precisely the steps to be followed by the FONAVISTAS to obtain registration, accreditation and obtain the single certificate of contributions. The latter will allow knowing the approximate amount of money that each contributor will receive.

After this first part, the preparation of the payment schedule will begin, which Luzuriaga explained that he will seek to be consistent with reality, since he does not want to create false expectations among the contributors.

“When the Technical Secretariat released the information it handled, everything became easier, since it was information that we needed. From that moment the work was streamlined and that is why the expectations of finishing before the 15th of this month are very realistic”indicated Luzuriaga.

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