Fire at Lotte Department Store Jamsil Branch, Seoul: Latest Updates and Details

2023-07-28 12:47:00

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Start of video area Start of video area End of video area Unfix video Today (28th) around 8pm, a fire broke out in a store on the 1st floor of Lotte Department Store Jamsil Branch, Songpa-gu, Seoul, and it was completely turned off in about an hour.

The fire inhaled smoke and transported four people to the hospital, but there were no other casualties.

However, as the fire smoke spread to the department store and Lotte World, about 1,000 people, including users, were evacuated urgently.

The fire department is investigating the exact cause of the fire and the scale of property damage, assuming that the fire broke out in the signboard inside the department store showcase.

(Screen provided: viewers Kang Si-hoo, Lee So-hyun, etc.)

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