Five places where you should never install your Wi-Fi network

2023-07-19 10:19:04

Is your Wi-Fi connection slow or not working? It may be because of where you installed it. Here are five places in your home to avoid for your router, according to an expert.

Everyone knows how frustrating it can be not having a working Wi-Fi connection. The good news is that the solution is simple: just change your router location.

Since Wi-Fi signals are transmitted by radio waves, they do not pass easily through metal, water, walls or large furniture; therefore, the clearer the area the router is in, the better the connection will be.

So here are the five places to avoid:

The kitchen

Other electrical devices that use radio signals are the enemies of good Wi-Fi, according to Alex Tofts, an employee at British technology services company Broadband Genie.

“The kitchen sometimes houses a few of them, the main culprit being the microwave,” he added to the “Daily Mail”.

under the stairs

When the router is stuck in a tight space, the signal may be limited. Better to “release it,” Mr. Tofts explained.

near a window

Don’t place your router in direct sunlight or next to a window, as you don’t want it to overheat.

“As with any electrical device, it needs to be kept cool. This may be more difficult in the summer, but avoid putting it near a window where it will be exposed to direct sunlight,” said the expert.

Ideally, it is better to place it in a “shady place that is not obstructed by large objects”, as well as in a “well-ventilated” room, he told the English-language media.

Near a water source

Unsurprisingly, water and Wi-Fi are not compatible. Move your router away from any reservoirs, otherwise the radio signals will be jammed.

“Water blocks Wi-Fi signals,” explained the British expert. Do not place your router near an object that contains a lot of it, whether it is an aquarium or even a vase filled with water.

The attic

An attic doesn’t provide the best signal strength throughout the house, according to Tofts. You want your router to be in the center of the house, so every corner of your home gets its share of a good connection.

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