Five YouTube channels to have stars in your eyes

2023-09-10 14:30:10

From the Orion Nebula to exoplanets, the Universe still fascinates on planet Earth. Five channels to continue the colossal exploration and dream ever more.

On board their space “ship”, a furious young man (Alexandre) and an artificial intelligence (Chloé) are the two irresistible troublemakers of the Superama channel. Youtube

By Manon Boquen

Published on September 10, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.

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Why is the journey to Mars so perilous for humans? What is dark matter? Chloe and Alexander form an effective and funny duo to answer these pertinent questions. “We both couldn’t appear on camera because we only had one microphone! » confides the second. They have transformed constraint into a concept: their channel features an overexcited young man, who finds himself locked in a ship with an artificial intelligence that is, to say the least, sarcastic, of which we only know his voice. Sprinkled with good words, inspired by Kaamelott or of Brief, the capsules are intended to be a first exploration of the universe of stars and galaxies. “We want to show that space has a use, that it still allows us to make discoveries today,” Chloe points out. Not a second to be bored.

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Nebulae and Cocoa

“I prefer to make someone dream rather than spit out a technical speech,” insists Corentin Kimenau, a lover of photography and always with his head in the stars. Here, no equations or overly complex formulas… Nebulae and Cocoa is above all a poetic exploration of the Universe. An invitation made possible, for example, by a telescope placed in the middle of the street inviting passers-by to observe Saturn, or by an express course for teach Internet users how to photograph the ISS. Conceived as precious cinematographic objects, the adventures of “this little glander who looks for fireflies”, as he likes to describe himself, call us to recognize the beauty of the world, which can be contemplated from a simple window.

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Alice in Starland

As a child, Alice Thomas wanted to become a star researcher. Today, the popularizer, who fell into the cauldron since an outing to the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie with her mother when she was a child, shares her passion for the stars on a channel that aims to be accessible and curious. The traces of life on Venus or the Gaia satellite give him the opportunity to explore the Universe and its secrets in short capsules, while also giving voice to those who like to approach astronomy with the great public in long interviews. For a discovery without fuss and with simplicity, its chain constitutes an effective first jump in a ship heading to the cosmos.

Le sense of wonder

Take an astrophysicist who became a popularizer and a science journalist who worked for a long time at CNES, add a good dose of pedagogy and multiple immersions in places often closed to the public and you will obtain Le sense of wonder. The first, Sébastien Carassou, intervenes in front of the camera, when his comrade Étienne Ledolley films him to transcribe this wonder, which is described by the expression which gives the name to their channel. We find the pair both in the Large Hadron Collider, on the Swiss border, to talk about the origins of the Universe and in the low-noise underground laboratory, in Vaucluse, to explore the mysteries of gravitational waves. Like the troop of This is not rocket science, they show how we study the cosmos from Earth, while maintaining this constant enthusiasm tinged with poetry, which simply makes you want to dive alongside them.

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How can we talk about astronomy without talking about history? In addition to his passion for aviation, Villeurbanne resident Vincent Heidelberg cultivates a strong taste for space and all the stages that led to discoveries in this field. In polished productions, the videographer returns to these significant moments, from the Mercury program to the Gemini project, for series sometimes developed over several episodes. Sa chaîne also leaves room for analyzes of more recent events such as launch of the Artemis rocket lately, without forgetting regular debunking of scams around space tourism, increasingly common. A wide-angle lens that is as useful as it is exciting.

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