Flexible Working Hours for Government Agency Employees in Kuwait: Increase Efficiency and Solve Traffic Problems

2023-09-16 09:35:04

Saturday Sep 16, 2023

KUWAIT CITY > Government agency employees in Kuwait have job opportunities at their convenience. The Civil Service Commission approved the Home Ministry’s proposal. Working hours start from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. End of working hours from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. According to this schedule, employees can choose a working time of 7 hours duration, in which a grace period of 30 minutes is allowed after the start of the working hours or before the end of the working hours. The Civil Service Commission has empowered the respective offices to choose the time schedule according to the nature of the work for the employees of the essential services and the places where they work on shift basis. Officials estimate that the new system will increase employee efficiency and production efficiency. The authorities also hope that the current acute traffic problem will be solved to some extent. Read on deshabhimani.com

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