Flu vaccine: “After two years of Covid, immunity has not been done properly”

The flu vaccination awareness campaign begins this Saturday. Traditionally, the flu epidemic in our country begins in December, yet the vaccine is already relevant: “It takes two weeks to be fully protected when you have had your vaccine and the coverage period is six months“, clarifies Nicolas Clément, the spokesman of the Belgian Pharmaceutical Association.

The Association estimates that a peak could be reached at the end of November or the beginning of December, so it is “when to pick up your vaccine and get vaccinated“, announces the spokesperson.

Sciensano expects the flu virus to circulate more intensely than usual this winter. This opinion is shared by the Belgian Pharmaceutical Association: “After two years of Covid, during which people were protected by distancing measures, immunity was not done properly. Less contact with people is less immunity, so it is less protection and therefore people will be more susceptible to the flu“, justifies Nicolas Clément. “We see it in Australia already now. There is 40% more infection compared to usual norms“, he adds.

For people who wish to be vaccinated, the procedure has evolved: “The advantage we have had for two years is that the patient can come directly to the pharmacy to pick up their vaccine. For people who are in the reimbursed groups, they will be reimbursed directly and will be able to go to the doctor. There is no longer any need for a prescription, so there is no longer any need to first get a prescription from a doctor’s office to get your flu shot. You can get it directly from the pharmacy.“, says Nicolas Clément.

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