Flying to Class: How One Student Beat High Rent Costs by Commuting” or “The Cost of Rent vs. Commuting: How One Student Saved Thousands by Flying to Class

2023-07-04 12:19:44

The price of rent is becoming more and more expensive, making young people have to delay the age of emancipation even more, share a flat with other people and even end up in authentic hovels at stratospheric prices.

So much so that a young student from Los Angeles, United States, has been flying to San Francisco to attend class every day because it is cheaper than paying rent in the Bay Area, where he attended the University of California.

The young man assures that in total he spent $5,593 in a year on his trips between Los Angeles and San Francisco

KTLA / Reddit

“I survived living in Los Angeles and traveling to Cal by plane during the last academic year to save on rent,” explained the young man named Bill through a publication in Reddit in which he shares his story.

Routine. As the young man explains, on a typical day, he would wake up at 3:30 am and head to the airport to catch a 6:00 am flight from LAX to SFO. Then he would take public transportation at 8:30 am to arrive in Berkeley at 10:00 am Finally, after a day of school, he would do the trip in reverse and arrive in Los Angeles at midnight.

A student flies to class every day because it’s cheaper than paying the rent: “I haven’t missed a day”

KTLA / Reddit

Planning. “I booked all my Fall 2022 tickets in April and May 2022. I then booked all my Spring 2023 tickets in November 2022. Most tickets were booked using Alaska miles or Southwest points, and the I booked during the sale to reduce the cost”, he explains.

Result. To everyone’s surprise, the young man achieved his goal, did not skip a day of class and spent a total of $5,593 traveling between Los Angeles and San Francisco during his year-long program. A very high figure but cheaper than paying rent.

The young man did not miss any class

Finally, the young man assures that “This is probably one of the craziest things I have done in my life, and I am so happy that I did it, without missing any class, that in itself is a miracle. I wouldn’t recommend anyone try this, but if you have any questions, ask!”

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