Follicular phase: what is it? What is its normal duration?

2024-01-11 16:41:59

Definition: what is the follicular phase? when does it occur during the menstrual cycle?

The follicular phase is here first stage of the menstrual cycle in women. The latter has a average duration of 28 days and allows you to produce the egg in order to get pregnant.

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and generally ends on the 14th day at the time of ovulation, which lasts only one day. Then follows the phase lutéale which also lasts on average over 14 days until the return of periods.

Knowing the duration of your follicular phase (and more generally your menstrual cycle) allows us to know when to have intercourse if we wish to conceive.

Its role: a prerequisite for ovulation

At the beginning of the follicular phase, female hormone levels (estrogen et progesterone) are low. As a result, the upper layers of the endometrium, which has thickened, are evacuated, and menstrual bleeding appears.

At this point, the rate offollicle-stimulating hormone (HFS) increases, inducing the development of numerous follicles. Follicles are fluid-filled sacs. Each follicle contains a ovule.

Later during the follicular phase, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases, only one follicle generally continues to develop (this is the so-called “De Graff” follicle). This follicle which contains the egg produces estrogen. This causes a peak in luteinizing hormone (LH) which will allow the expulsion of theoocyte and trigger theovulation.

How long does this follicular period last?

Normally, the menstrual cycle has an average length of 28 days:

the first 14 days correspond to the follicular phase; then for one day ovulation takes place; finally, the last 14 days are those of the luteal phase.

However, not all menstruating women have a cycle of precisely 28 days. Let us add that the length of menstrual cycle is not the same from puberty tomenopause. She tends to decrease with advancing age. The duration of your follicular phase can therefore vary depending on the length of your menstrual cycle.

How to calculate the follicular phase?

There is a simple way to calculate your follicular phase: remove 14 days from the date of your period (which corresponds to the duration of the luteal phase, which never changes), you will have the duration of your follicular phase.

If your cycle is 24 days (short cycle), this gives a follicular phase of 10 days (24-14 = 10). If your cycle is 33 days (long cycle), your follicular phase is 19 days (33-14 = 19).

Be careful, if your follicular phase is short or long, it is important to consult a doctor because this can have consequences on fertility.

Is it possible to get pregnant during the follicular phase?

In theory, it is not possible to get pregnant during the follicular phase. However, ovulation (which follows the follicular phase) can sometimes occur earlier than expected and pregnancy is then possible.

For this reason, it is better to have a reliable method of contraception rather than relying solely on dates if you do not wish to have a child.

Conversely, if you wish to conceive, it is possible to use ovulation tests in order to detect the precise day of ovulation and not miss the end of the follicular phase (and therefore the moment where you are most fertile). These tests measure the level ofluteinizing hormone (or LH) which increases 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. You can carry out this test every day from the 10th day from the first day of your period (so towards the end of the follicular phase).

Short or long phase: what are the consequences on fertility?

A follicular phase duration that is too long or too short can have consequences on fertility.

If the follicular phase is short (less than 10 days)there is a risk ofovule immature non-fertile or with chromosomal abnormalities.If the follicular phase is long (more than 25 days), there is a risk of ovulation and double or multiple. This long duration can be a consequence of significant stress, PCOS (or polycystic ovarian syndrome), intensive sporting activity, or even jet lag. The birth of dizygotic twins, or “fraternal twins”, is always the result of double ovulation: the two oocytes are fertilized during the passage of sperm (twin pregnancy).

Follicular phase disorder: what to do?

A follicular phase disorder does not always prevent you from getting pregnant but it is sometimes the cause of infertility.

A couple’s infertility is proven after 2 years of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. A medical opinion and an infertility assessment are necessary after one year for those under 35 and after six to eight months after this age. The gynecologist is the first contact who may or may not refer you to an infertility specialist or a treatment center.

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