Following an anti-inflammatory diet may improve fertility, study finds

Following an anti-inflammatory diet may not only help prevent disease, it may also improve fertility, saccording to the findings of a new study.

The body reacts to the food that is eaten, some nutrition experts point out that one of the most powerful tools to fight inflammation does not come from the drugstore, but from an anti-inflammatory diet.

Chronic inflammation has been linked to major diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s.

It has also been found that inflammation can play an important role in the development of insulin resistance and influence hormone function and interfere with ovulation.

A study published in November in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the effect of four healthy dietary patterns in 9,232 participating women who were not using fertility treatment.

A higher probability of getting pregnant in general was found with the different healthy dietary patterns, but the strongest effect in improving time to conceive was related to the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII), a pattern of diet to reduce inflammation. The results were even stronger in women with obesity and in women 35 years and older.

Other plans followed in the study included the Mediterranean diet, the US Healthy Eating Index 2010, and the Danish Dietary Guidelines Index.

The Dietary Inflammation Index (DII) is a scoring system that provides an estimate of the inflammatory potential of the diet in general. Consider anti-inflammatory foods and those that promote inflammation.

“Many experimental studies have shown that components of food or drink can have anti-inflammatory effects,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.

foods that cause inflammation

Harvard Health points out that inflammatory foods to avoid include refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries; french fries and other fried foods; sodas and other sugary drinks; red meat and processed meat; margarine, vegetable shortening and lard.

anti-inflammatory foods

To reduce inflammation levels, nutrition experts recommend an overall healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils.

An anti-inflammatory diet includes green leafy vegetables; tomatoes; fruits like strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges; walnuts; olive oil; and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.

A healthy anti-inflammatory diet can have positive effects on physical and emotional health Dr. Hu. notes that in addition to reducing inflammation, a healthier, more natural and less processed diet can help “not only reduce the risk of chronic disease, but also improve mood and overall quality of life.”

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