Food Bonus 2022 of 270 soles: how much is the amount to be collected and from when will it be available | who will collect the bonus | how much will be the bonus amount | rmmn | emcc | ECONOMY

After the Government announced that the food bonus that will be delivered to vulnerable people will be S / 270 soles, now it is necessary to determine from when it can be collected and who will be the beneficiaries. The amount and other scope of this subsidy were established in Law No. 31538, published last July 31 in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

Said regulation approves supplementary credits to finance the expenses associated with the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the economic reactivation, and other expenses of the entities of the national government, regional governments, and local governments.

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Who will be the beneficiaries of the voucher?

The President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, announced in his last message to the Nation that the bonus will reach 6 million people living in poverty and vulnerabilitywith an investment of 2 billion soles.

The respective norm authorizes, “exceptionally and for the only time, the granting of an individual monetary subsidy of S/ 270, in favor of elderly people in a situation of economic vulnerability due to the increase in food prices […]”.

In order for the food voucher to be delivered, the Council of Ministers must approve regulatory provisions that establish the eligibility criteria of potential beneficiariesthe guidelines for the elaboration of the registry of citizens of said subsidy, the procedure for approval of the citizen registers, among other aspects, that allow the granting of individual economic support on the updated basis of the National Registry.

Furthermore, it is mentioned that are not included to receive the food bonusthe beneficiaries of the so-called extraordinary additional subsidy and who belong to the Juntos, Pension 65 and Contigo programs.

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From when and until when will it be delivered?

According to Law No. 31538, within 30 calendar days (end of August), the Council of Ministers must approve regulations that establish the eligibility criteria of potential beneficiaries. It is estimated that after that the subsidy will be delivered.

In addition, the rule indicates that the collection of the individual monetary subsidy of this law may be made effective until April 30, 2023.

How can the food bonus be collected?

The payment of the food bonus will be made through the Banco de la Nación, as well as all other companies in the financial system and electronic money companies in the country, through their service channels.

Even cards can be used, in all cases without charging commissions or expenses for the beneficiaries, details the rule.

The beneficiaries of the food bonus will be able to make the payment through the Banco de la Nación and other banking entities. (Reference photo: Midis)

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