Foods that cure everyday ailments!

The food we eat can heal our everyday ailments. Indeed, some can soothe pain or even the state of mind. These foods act as natural medicines.

The first 3 evils that food cures

First of all, you have to know that drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day will save you from many evils. For example, the migraines can be largely mitigated if you drink enough water. They can indeed be an indicator of dehydration.

First of all, it is specified that drinking 1.5 liters of water a day already cures many ailments. On the other hand, we consider here the case of insomniafrom stress and migraines. Insomnia comes from lack of sleep. And to remedy it, we must drink cow’s milkor eat salmon and kiwis.

And to avoid the stressyou can eat lawyers. Olive oil also has the power to eliminate stress, thanks to the omega-3 and 6 it contains. Finally, water can appease migraines. However, theblueberries, kiwis and strawberries also act against migraines. By the way, bilberry has an antioxidant effect that soothes headaches.

The 3 other daily evils

We will talk here back pain, stomach pain and fatigue. First, back pain can be cured by eating eggs and cabbage. However, it will take avoid red meat, and rather eat tofu instead. The latter also acts on stomach aches. Add to that, potatoes and broccoli also act in the same way.

And for the fatigue, consumption of water and fruit plays a big role. We can then eat bananas, walnuts, almonds, pistachios and cashews. Indeed, these fruits soften daily fatigue.

In short, many foods have on the other hand of healing. However, the first remedy remains hydration. In fact, drinking water makes the human body work perfectly.

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