For married couples only.. Using cloves on the bed in this way turns it into a miraculous tonic that will make you a stud and you will enjoy cohabiting with your wife!

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The clove plant is one of the most famous plants available today, which is grown in large areas of the land, as it has great nutritional and health value because it contains a high percentage of vitamins and important and useful nutrients that the body needs to perform its functions efficiently and effectively.

Clove is one of the compounds that have gained wide and great fame among people all over the world for several centuries, because it is used for many nutritional, medical and medicinal purposes, as it is included in the composition of several medical, nutritional and cosmetic recipes that enhance the health of the body and make it have the necessary strength.

People have inherited the cultivation of cloves from time immemorial, generation after generation. For several centuries, cloves were and still are one of the famous compounds that are not devoid of human life due to the amazing nutritional and medicinal properties possessed by this magical compound. The most important components of alternative medicine.

After people have used it for centuries in the past, modern scientific studies and research have proven the effectiveness of cloves and their miraculous therapeutic ability in treating incurable diseases that afflict the human body. To protect the body from diseases and treat them when they are infected.

Cloves have a great ability to treat several diseases that affect the human body, such as diabetes, digestive diseases, heart diseases and respiratory diseases. It also helps the kidneys to enhance their functions and treat problems of the digestive system, stomach and colon.

And not only that, as cloves also work in a miraculous way to treat mental problems, strengthen memory, eliminate the problem of forgetfulness and poor attention and concentration. Perhaps the most important benefit that can be obtained from cloves is to enhance the sexual ability of men and treat the problems that cause it to weaken.

Modern medical studies, scientific research and practical experiences have revealed the tremendous ability of cloves to enhance the sexual health of men and make them more capable and strong during sexual relations, as cloves increase desire and enhance erection in men and thus increase the duration of the relationship between spouses.

Cloves also increase the flow of sperm and clean their sewers and help relieve men of tension during the relationship, thus increasing the erection period and the continuation of the sexual process for a long time, which makes both parties feel satisfied.

These benefits come due to the fact that cloves contain the necessary nutrients and medical compounds that enhance sexual abilities in men. It contains eugenol and a large proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fibers that enhance sexual ability and help get rid of various sexual problems.

To obtain the desired benefits, experts advise eating 3 cloves a day before going to sleep. It can be eaten by placing it in a glass of milk or chewing it alone. It can also be crushed and added to dinner, as there are many ways to take it. Nutritional value per 100 grams of cloves: – Water 9.87 ml – Calories 274 Calories – Carbs 65.53

sugars 2.38 grams dietary fiber 33.9 grams protein 5.97 grams fats 13 grams calcium 632 milligrams phosphorous 104 milligrams iron 11.83 milligrams magnesium 259 milligrams sodium 277 milli potassium 1020 milli zinc 2.32 milligrams copper 0.368 milligrams – Manganese 60.127 mg – Selenium 7.2 mg – Vitamin C 0.2 mg – Vitamin B 0.158: 1 mg – Vitamin B 0.22: 2 mg – Vitamin B 1.56: 3 mg – Vitamin B 0.509: 5 mg – Vitamin B 0.391: 6 mg Folate 25 mcg Choline 37.4 mg Vitamin A 160 IU Beta-carotene 45 mcg Vitamin E 8.82 mg Vitamin K 141.8 mcg.

Other benefits of cloves: – Relieves tooth and gum pain. Eliminates flatulence in the abdomen.

Enhances the work of the digestive system, and heals peptic ulcers. – Treats sore throat and sore throat. Stimulates the blood circulation in the body and enhances the work of the brain. – Increases the ability to focus and memorize.

It is useful in treating colds, respiratory infections, and blocked sinuses. Strengthens the heart, and enhances the work of its muscles.

Clove oil protects against cancer, especially lung cancer, and the digestive system. It reduces dizziness and nausea that affect pregnant women in the first months of their pregnancy.

Removes eye blur and strengthens eyesight. – Relieves headache pain.

– Rids the skin of acne, pimples and black pimples. Strengthens hair follicles, protects it from damage, and eliminates scalp fungi.

Contraindications to the use of cloves: – It should be consumed in moderate quantities – In case of using medical drugs, you should consult a doctor. Clove should not be consumed in excess because it can cause allergic reactions.

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