For women .. 10 health symptoms that you should not ignore, including snoring and stress!

Scientific studies have shown that while many women realize that diet and exercise, as well as regular Pap tests, mammograms and body scans, are important measures for maintaining good health, they ignore it when they have symptoms such as a persistent sore throat or Fatigue, seen as a symptom of a cold or a viral infection, can be warning signs of a serious health problem.

A report published by “Boldsky” BoldskyHealth Affairs, a list of symptoms that women should not ignore is as follows:

1- sudden weakness

Sudden weakness in the face or extremities could indicate a stroke. Additional symptoms include sudden confusion, slurred speech, blurred vision, and difficulty walking. The woman, as well as her family and friends, should be aware of these symptoms as it may be difficult to identify them on their own to seek immediate help.


2- frequent shortness of breath

Some women experience shortness of breath when they strain themselves when their hearts do not receive an adequate blood supply. But most silent heart attacks occur in women, with shortness of breath and extreme tiredness being the most common symptoms, not chest pain. Anemia and lung disease are common causes of shortness of breath in women.

3- Chest pain

If you have chest pain, a racing heart, pain in the arms, shoulders, or jaw, and/or shortness of breath, these symptoms may be a sign of a heart condition. There is also a very rare condition known as “spontaneous dissection of the arteries”, which feeds the heart muscle. This condition can affect young people and occurs more often in women than in men.

4- vision problems

With age, vision can become blurred, but if difficulty seeing suddenly develops or blurred vision is noticed in one or both eyes, it may be a sign of stroke. Likewise, those who suffer from migraines may be due to bright lights or even colored auras. But the same symptoms can indicate a retinal tear or detachment. The problem may lead to permanent blindness if it is not dealt with immediately.



5- Sudden weight change

Sudden weight loss without any specific effort indicates a health problem. The most common causes are hyperthyroidism, diabetes, mental disorders, liver disease or cancer. Conversely, if she gains extra weight without changing her diet or activity level, then symptoms can indicate hypothyroidism, depression or other metabolic diseases.

6- Abnormal lumps in the breast

It is normal for a female breast to have a few lumps and bumps. But you should not delay in seeking medical advice if you notice any lump sticking to the chest wall or skin, changes in the upper skin, or changes in the appearance of the nipple, as they can be indicators of breast cancer.

7- Snoring and excessive sleepiness

Excessive snoring or sleepiness, such as falling asleep at work or elsewhere, can be a sign that you are having a breathing condition. If left untreated, apnea can lead to cardiovascular problems and weight gain.

8- Excessive fatigue

A variety of factors can cause excessive fatigue. But feeling constantly excessively tired is a sign of some underlying metabolic disorder or a serious inflammatory condition such as cancer, dementia or Parkinson’s disease.

9- Excessive stress and anxiety

Anxiety is part of life, but that doesn’t mean it can be ignored. If the state of stress and anxiety is reaching levels that are beyond their tolerance or interfering with daily functioning, a physician should be consulted as soon as possible.

10- Changes in the skin

The female should be vigilant for any changes in her skin, because for example dark skin in the armpit or behind the neck and multiple skin tags can be signs of diabetes. Scales can indicate a precancerous condition such as actinic or solar keratoses. Please pay attention to changes in the size, shape or color of existing moles and any new spots.

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