Former President Moon Jae-in Pays Historic Visit to Jeju for 4.3 Memorial Day Commemoration

On 4.3 Memorial Day, former President Moon Jae-in visited Jeju, becoming the first former president to do so. He paid his respects at the 4/3 Peace Park and laid flowers and burned incense. In a statement, he emphasized the importance of complete healing for true reconciliation and unity. Former President Moon attended three such memorial ceremonies during his tenure, and expressed disappointment that the then-elect could not attend last year. He also spoke out against conservative groups’ distortion of history, claiming that the government is actively working to resolve the 4/3 incident. He vowed to continue supporting the cause of complete healing until it is achieved.

Former President Moon Jae-in was the first former president to visit Jeju on the 4.3 Memorial Day.

After visiting the 4/3 Peace Park this afternoon after the memorial ceremony, former President Moon laid flowers and burned incense and said, “The complete healing of 4/3 is the path to true reconciliation and unity.”

Former President Moon, who attended three memorial ceremonies in 2018, 2020 and 2021 during his tenure, said, “Last year, the then-elect could not attend the memorial ceremony.”

Regarding the conservative groups’ distortion of history, former President Moon said, “At the government level, a lot of effort is being made to resolve the 4/3 incident, but there are still cases of insulting the 4/3 incident, which is very deplorable and heartbreaking.” I will be with you wholeheartedly until the complete healing of 3.”

In conclusion, the visit of former President Moon Jae-in to Jeju on the 4.3 Memorial Day is a significant step towards healing and reconciliation for the victims and families affected by the tragic event. His dedication and commitment to attending annual memorial ceremonies and advocating for the truthful interpretation of history should serve as an inspiration to all leaders to prioritize the healing and unity of their communities. Let us all work towards the complete healing of 4/3 and ensure that the lessons of this dark period in history are never forgotten.

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