“Former Vice President Lu Xiulian Calls for an End to the Debate on Cross-Strait Unification and Independence: A Historical Analysis of the Shimonoseki Treaty”

2023-04-17 13:13:46

former vice presidentLu XiulianThe “Symposium on Cross-Strait Peace and Dignity from Shimonoseki Humiliation” was held today, she said, calling forBeijingThe end of the debate on unification and independence, the true idea of ​​Taiwan independence is an inevitable development of history, and the “Treaty of Shimonoseki” is to be blamed.She also said that with full consideration the former PresidentMa Ying-jeouBack to the heart of worshiping ancestors in the mainland, but most of the 23.5 million Taiwanese living in Taiwan have ancestors who experienced the Treaty of Shimonoseki and were forced to be Japanese for 50 years for no reason. Therefore, Beijing should not open up and keep silent when looking at Taiwan “National Territory, Sovereign Integrity”.

Lu Xiulian said that on August 12 last year, the Beijing authorities finally made public the issue of the official Shimonoseki Treaty through the third white paper, saying that it was the epitome of the humiliation of the Chinese nation in modern times, and left compatriots on both sides of the strait with regret. If this is the case, please stop talking about it. Taiwan is an inalienable territory of China. The ancestors of Taiwanese were separated from China. If Taiwan is separated from China today, don’t blame Taiwan. Go back to history instead of condemning Taiwan independence. Why Taiwan is on the road to independence can only be understood if you have a deep understanding of the historical scars of the descendants of the victims of the Shimonoseki Treaty. Therefore, to truly commemorate the Shimonoseki Treaty, the debate on unification and independence should be terminated. The true Taiwan independence thought is an inevitable development of history. Blame the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

Lu Xiulian said that he also wanted to remind compatriots from other provinces who came to Taiwan with the Nationalist Government in 1949. Many of them miss their relatives and friends in mainland China and believe that China is the motherland. The right to choose parents, fully understand Ma Ying-jeou’s heart to return to the mainland to worship ancestors, but the vast majority of the 23.5 million Taiwanese living in Taiwan now have a large group of people who were forced to be Japanese for 50 years after the Treaty of Shimonoseki, so Beijing should not talk about “the integrity of the national territory and sovereignty” when looking at Taiwan.

Lu Xiulian said that Beijing’s biggest mistake and blind spot is that it thinks that the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan, and through the Kuomintang, it thinks that Taiwan can “suck it back”. Stop looking at Taiwan with the civil war mentality of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. To truly deal with the Taiwan issue in good faith, we must face history, review history, and face facts. “If you miss your motherland very much and are willing to go back, Taiwan is also very free. Don’t use the historical burden of the past to bind the next generation.”

Lu Xiulian said that she also wants to remind the DPP that since Taiwan is already a democratic country, there is no political party in permanent power, so it is necessary to face reality with more humility. To tell the people of the country where the best interests lie, she called on Lai Qingde, who will be running for the next president, to respect President Tsai Ing-wen while proposing the mission of leading Taiwan for the next four years. Leaders, plan for the future with a forward-looking vision, not stay in the past.

Lu Xiulian said that it doesn’t matter which party the next leader is, or where he was born. What matters is whether he has a forward-looking vision and a deep understanding. Where were Taiwan’s internal and external troubles back then, and how many domestic crises are there now? , and faced with an unprecedentedly complex international situation, if she does not have such ability and only wants to be president, she can only appeal to the voters to elect someone who is fully familiar with Taiwan’s past tragic fate and at the same time understands the challenges of the international situation. session leaders. Those who hope to strive for national status must be more serious and prepared than taking the university entrance exam.

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