Found in the sea the body of Kazuki Takahashi, author of ″Yu-Gi-Oh!″ | The World | D.W.

As reported on Thursday (7.7.2022) by the National Coast Guard, the body of Kazuki Takahashi, artistic name of the cartoonist, was found floating yesterday dressed in diving equipment off the coast of Nago, in Okinawa prefecture, but his identity was not confirmed until today.

Takahashi was 60 years old. Authorities are investigating the circumstances of the death. They have already completed the autopsy of the deceased, whose remains will be sent to his family in Tokyo soon.

The body was seen when it was about 300 meters from the coast by a person who was passing by a beach and made an emergency call to the Coast Guard. According to the local newspaper Okinawa Timesdeath would have occurred one or two days before the discovery.

“Yu-Gi-Oh” catapulted him to fame

Takahashi was the creator of “Yu-Gi-Oh!”, the work that led him to success and led to popular animation series by the Toei film production company, movies, numerous “spin-offs”, video games such as “Yu -Gi-Oh! Master Duel” and collectible card games that continue to move millions internationally.

The Japanese began his career as a manga artist (“mangaka”) in 1982, but it was not until 1996 that his fame skyrocketed, with the release of “Yu-Gi-Oh!”

MS (efe/afp)

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