Four Electronic Services Offered by the Ministry of Justice for Checking Hearing Schedules and Case Updates

The Ministry of Justice, headed by Counselor Omar Marawan, has launched several electronic services for citizens on its official website, aimed at saving time and effort. These services enable citizens to inquire about lawsuits and judgments without having to physically go to court. The four services offered by the Ministry of Justice are as follows: 1) inquiring about a session roll, where the required data includes the type of litigation degree, the court address, the type of case, and the date of the session; 2) checking the position of a suit by identifying the type of litigation degree, the name of the court, the type of case, the year of the case, and the case number; 3) inquiring about a roll suit by filling in the fields required, such as the degree of litigation, the name of the court, the type of case, the circuit number, the case number, the year, and the date of the session; and 4) determining the existence of an appeal by providing the degree of litigation, the name of the court, the type of case, and the year. These services are available through the Ministry’s official website or Egypt Digital Portal.

Posted by Ibrahim Qasim

Thursday, March 30, 2023 01:00 AM

The Ministry of Justice, under the supervision of Counselor Omar Marawan, Minister of Justice, presents a number of Electronic services For citizens through its official website on the Internet, which includes services for inquiring about a lawsuit or judgment without the need to go to the courts, with the aim of facilitating citizens in terms of saving time and effort.

The Ministry of Justice has identified 4 electronic services related to courts, which any citizen can enter through its official website Or through the Egypt Digital Portal and use it without the need to go to the courts, as was the case recently.

The four services are as follows:


Inquiry about the session roll: entering the link, a list of required data entry will appear, which is to determine the type of litigation degree, whether in the Courts of Cassation, Appeal, Primary or Partial Court, the address of the court, the type of case, the circuit hearing the case, the date of the session, and that once the required data is entered correctly and press search The session roll date will appear.


Query the position of a suit Once you enter the link, a menu for entering the required data will appear, which is specifying the type of litigation degree, the name of the court, the type of case, the year of the case, and the case number, and that once you enter the required data correctly and press search, the position of the case will appear.


Inquire about a roll suit By entering the link, the fields required to be filled in, which require the degree of litigation, the name of the court, the type of case, the circuit number, the case number, the year, and the date of the session, will appear.

4- Inquire about the existence of an appeal or not By entering the link, the required fields will appear, which require the degree of litigation, the name of the court, the type of case, and the year.

With the introduction of these four electronic services by the Ministry of Justice in Egypt, citizens can now inquire about lawsuits and judgments without having to physically visit the courts. This is a significant step towards reducing the time and effort required in legal matters, and making the legal system more accessible for all. The services can be accessed through the official website of the Ministry of Justice or the Egypt Digital Portal. We hope that more such initiatives will be taken in the future to simplify legal procedures and make justice more accessible to all citizens.

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