FPÖ – Amesbauer: Unfortunately, attacks against the police are increasing! | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-05-20 05:05:34

Our police officers do a great job for our safety every day

Vienna (OTS) “A police officer was physically assaulted 2,310 times in the last year. 13 percent more than the year before. Police officers were injured a total of 1,121 times as a result of external violence. An increase of 100 incidents compared to the year before. Overall, damage to property worth at least 365,000 euros was reported to vehicles, inspections or other objects or facilities of the police,” summarized FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer summarized the key figures from a recent inquiry by ÖVP Interior Minister Karner.

“Our police officers do a great job for our safety every day. They often risk their own health in action. Politicians cannot reward this commitment enough. The attacks against the police and the significant increase in physical assaults show how challenging the service is,” says Amesbauer.

“40 percent of all suspects who were reported in 2022 because of resistance to state authority or because of physical attacks on an officer were foreigners. In the previous year, this figure was still 37 percent. Here, too, the negative consequences of illegal mass migration cannot be denied,” concludes Amesbauer.

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