FPÖ – Hafenecker: Hate-eaten Karner interviews reveal complete lack of empathy towards storm victims Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-06 09:28:39

Incompetence paired with cold-heartedness – ÖVP lets chills run down the backs of citizens

Vienna (OTS) “Today, one large-format and one and a half small-format pages are filled with the hate-eating outpourings of the ÖVP chief apparatchik Gerhard Karner in the ÖVP-friendly newspapers ‘Kurier’ and ‘Kleine Zeitung’. Since Friday, the country has been looking spellbound at the areas affected by terrible storms and sympathizes with the victims of these catastrophes. Many offer selfless and tireless help. But Interior Minister Karner is not interested in the fate of the suffering Austrians for a second. His only problem is the impending vote out of the black-green failure government by the Austrians, who mostly trust Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ. Christian Hafenecker, MA.

“Aside from his complete incompetence in all key areas of the interior ministry, to which he recently added the outsourcing of work for the protection of the Constitution to a radical left-wing organization with proven contacts in milieus prone to violence, Karner is now also proving the ÖVP’s absolute cold-heartedness and lack of empathy. At the sight of this troop, the citizens rightly only get cold shivers down their spines,” said Hafenecker.

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