“Freshly Ground Coffee: Are Grain Mills Worth the Investment?”

2023-05-01 04:00:00

More and more Belgians are opting for freshly ground coffee. In 4 years, sales for grain mills have increased by 50% among certain household appliance specialists. But, these devices are expensive to buy. So are they really profitable in the long term?

Freshly ground beans, tenfold aromas, a minute espresso like in the best coffees… And it’s thanks to a machine that Pauline acquired more than a year ago: “The taste of coffee with the beans that have just been ground is not comparable with other types of coffee. You can really taste the freshness in the cup. And the smell of the ground beans is It’s incredible”believes this coffee lover.

A waste-free alternative that is attracting more and more Belgians. Today: More than 1 out of 2 coffee machines sold is a bean machine.

Choosing the flavors, measuring out the recipes at home, that’s the argument of the manufacturers, you no longer need to be a specialist to make good coffee.

Capsule coffee costs three to four times more than coffee beans

“We also want to be at home and drink good coffee. As a result, consumers equip themselves accordingly”, says Alexis Mattelaer, product manager for a brand specializing in the sale of household appliances. But, these machines are expensive, prices range from 300 to 1,400 euros.

So is it profitable? Take the example of a 600 euro automatic machine

“For a person who is going to drink three coffees a day. After less than a year, the machine will pay for itself, because capsule coffee costs three to four times more than coffee beans”further specifies Alexis Mattelaer.

Once the machine has been acquired, you still have to choose the grains. Two options: buy them in supermarkets or from an artisanal roaster.

Grains: this is Harold Anciaux’s treasure. Brazil, Colombia or Costa Rica, its coffee comes from all over the world.

“This is the raw product that I receive. When imported into Belgium. The coffee has this appearance of green coffee, although from time to time it is slightly more bluish, more yellowish, depending on the processes”emphasizes the roaster.

The pre-ground coffee will already be a little oxidized after 5 minutes

And the aroma appears at the time of roasting. “The coffee stirs and sucks in the air to stop the cooking. The coffee will be much more aromatic and more interesting if you stay on coffee beans than on pre-ground coffee, which unfortunately after five minutes will already be a little oxidized”explains Harold Anciaux.

Another difference: the grammage of the coffee. To find the perfect balance: each bean has its own mill.

“In a capsule, we have 5 grams of coffee. In a coffee at a barista, we will be at least 7.8 grams of coffee. With us, we are more at 9.10 grams to have a certain texture, a certain velvety, thick in the mouth”details the roaster.

2.5 billion cups of coffee consumed every day

Count on average eight euros for a bag of 250 grams of grain, a price that does not scare customers. “For coffee, I’m not going to start titillating on the price, I’m going to put the price, if you have to put the price”, says a customer. Another tip: “It depends, if you like coffee. If so, it’s definitely worth it”.

As for a good wine, the geographical origin of the coffee will determine its aromas and its bitterness. Every day, two and a half billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world.

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