From abandonment to unconditional love

2024-03-18 13:02:01

Dogs are full of love for humans. When they are abandoned by their masters, the separation tears their hearts, just like it does us. Ava’s moving story is the perfect example. But, fortunately, she was in good hands: thanks to the affection and concern of the volunteers, her wounds began to heal. Until the miraculous moment of adoption!

In addition to being heartbroken, Ava had just lost all her bearings

Unfortunately, her previous owner could no longer take care of her, so he made the painful decision to entrust his dog to the shelter in Hoke County, North Carolina (United States). Lost and distressed, Ava found herself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by strangers. It was scary and unsettling. So much so that, from the moment she arrived, she was the very embodiment of pain and despair.

Thanks to the love and attention of volunteers, his sad face has found the joy of living again

The dog Ava – Source: spm

Faced with this heartbreaking situation, the shelter volunteers mobilized to provide him with comfort and all the necessary care. They witnessed her inner strength as she sought to overcome her grief and adapt to her new reality. Thanks to their deep support and unconditional love, the little dog began to find some hope.

Kristi Pylant, a dedicated member of the shelter team, was there when Ava had just arrived. She did everything she could to allay the dog’s fears. “ Gradually, Ava began to regain faith in humanity, thanks to the kindness and patience of our staff. Seeing her regain hope was a truly special moment for all of us here at the shelter… », says Kristi with emotion. “ At first she seemed really sad and terrified. But, after spending time with her, we bonded and gained her friendship. ».

When the time for adoption came, Ava was overjoyed!

The dog Ava – Source: spm

What little Ava didn’t know was that the shelter was only temporary. It was simply the beginning of the path that would lead her to true happiness. Because, in reality, she was going to be adopted soon.

While visiting the shelter, with a view to adoption, a young woman caught Ava’s eye and was instantly won over. It was a real favorite! Infinitely enthusiastic, the woman quickly made the decision to adopt him to give him his new home, determined to give him all the love she needed. And, suffice to say that Ava seemed to largely approve of her adoption since her reaction spoke volumes: at the time of signing the adoption papers, the dog felt an indescribable emotion. She was terribly excited and expressed her joy without restraint in front of her new mistress.

Overwhelmed by happiness, Ava now lives in her new home with her beloved new owner. The two became inseparable and the sweet dog definitely regained her joy of life.

The dog Ava – Source: spm

@wellbehaved1 Shelter baby Ava getting adopted. All the feels 🥰 #adopt #loveyou #dog ♬ 10,000 Hours – Dan + Shay & Justin Bieber

#abandonment #unconditional #love

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