From the Congress they question the Ministry of Health for maintaining the use of masks in boys and girls

Although the removal of the mandatory use of face masks in closed spaces seemed to be good news for Colombians, some questioned the why children still have to use it in educational classrooms.

Such was the criticism that the representative to the Chamber for the Democratic Center, Gabriel Santos, sent a letter to the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, in which asked him to provide scientific evidence why children have to continue wearing the mask following almost the entire population stopped doing it.

“I am interested in following up on the biosecurity measures implemented, given the decrease in Covid-19 infections. Please indicate what scientific evidence supports the decision to maintain the mandatory use of face masks in school environments such as universities, colleges and kindergartens”Santos expressed in the control exercise document.

The representative also requested that the minister state the criteria with which the decisions were made regarding why in schools they should continue to use face masks. and not in cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants, among other places in which “a high risk of contagion has been demonstrated.”

“Please indicate what levels of risk of contagion exist in places such as schools and kindergartens, what percentage of children in Colombia have been infected in the last year, the mortality rate from Covid-19 in children and the mortality rate in adults young people, the impact of compulsory use of face masks in schools on the emotional health of children”he expressed.

The representative of the Democratic Center requested an evaluation of the impact of the use of face masks in the education of minors, the level of vaccination that must exist in that population for the measure to be withdrawn, and the effectiveness and benefits that minors may have. if they are vaccinated once morest Covid-19.

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