[Frontline interviews]Li Keqiang’s press conference: People suspected of carrying iron chains: break the chains of the CCP | Women’s Rights in China | Dissolution of Women’s Federation

Beijing time:2022-03-12 12:37

[NTDTV, Beijing time, March 12, 2022]Xuzhou, Chinachain girl“The case has attracted attention at home and abroad. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is suspected of mentioning the chain girl incident by name on March 11. The All-China Women’s Federation has become the target of public condemnation because it did nothing to the case, and even called for “”Disband the Women’s Federation”。

The meeting of the CCP’s National People’s Congress closed on the 11th, and Li Keqiang was inpress conferenceIt said: There have been serious violations of women’s rights and interests in some places recently. However, Shen Yueyue, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the CCP and chairman of the Women’s Federation, claimed that the Women’s Federation would lead women to “obey the party’s words” when he participated in the deliberation of the local delegation on the 8th. go with the party”, yes”chain girl“The incident is not mentioned.

Ms. Liu, a retired college teacher in mainland China, called for the immediate dissolution of the All-China Women’s Federation.

Ms. Liu, a retired college teacher in mainland China: “This matter has been exposed for such a long time. Many just people sympathize with the suffering of the Eight Girls, and are indignant at this crime under the rule of the CCP. However, there is not a single women’s federation in China who has stood up for justice. Speak up. You took taxpayer money, what have you done for the people?”

According to public reports, the CCP’s women’s federations are quite large. In Jiangsu Province alone, there are tens of thousands of women’s federations, nearly 40,000 part-time vice-chairmen, and more than 300,000 women’s federation cadres and executive committee members.

Chinese women’s rights“Founder Zhang Jing: “They are a vase of the Communist Party. Where are they placed, they have taken taxpayer money to support such a large institution.” When the Communist Party has a policy, help them do some propaganda. “

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Jin Qiu, a senior media person in Jiangsu, said that they turned a blind eye to the iron chain girl incident and the issue of human trafficking.

Jinqiu, a senior media person in Jiangsu: “Through this (Chained Women) incident, we have seen the so-called women’s federations and child protection agencies in the local area. The local so-called CPPCC members and people’s congress representatives do not represent the people at all. They are just rights puppets, or part of the power itself.”

Ms. Liu, a retired college teacher, said that through the iron chain case, everyone has seen that governments at all levels do nothing to human trafficking and are directly involved in crimes. Therefore, only by breaking the CCP iron chain can women and children in China be safe and secure. .

NTD reporters Li Yun and Liu Fang interviewed and reported

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/03/11/a103371096.html

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