Funeral homes in Uvalde refused to receive the body of the school attacker

After a month he was cremated by a company located in San Antonio, more than 100 kilometers from the town.

The body of Uvalde, Texas, elementary school shooter Salvador Ramos remained in a morgue for nearly a month because two local funeral homes refused to accept it.

Both Rushing-Estes-Knowles and Hillcrest Memorial were busy arranging burials for those killed in the attack, and funeral director Taylor Michelle Massey said she refused to take over Ramos’s body out of respect for his victims. pick up local media.

“All of our staff grew up in Uvalde County and attended school in Uvalde County and believe that everyone deserves a dignified and respectful funeral service,” Massey explained.

“Given the circumstances, we did not feel it was appropriate, or in the best interest of the families we were caring for, to take custody of the remains of the individual who caused their pain,” he said.

Therefore, the body of the shooter had to be stored in a morgue in the city of Lockhart, located 2 hours and a half by car.

“I had to put it away for three weeks. As the funerals for the victims unfolded, he was still wondering what to do with it. It was a stressful time, ”revealed Eulalio Díaz Jr, the county justice of the peace and who also works as a coroner.

Finally, a company located outside the town was in charge of organizing Ramos’s funeral and his body was cremated in the city of San Antonio, more than 130 kilometers away.

The shooting perpetrated on May 24 at Robb Elementary School claimed the lives of 19 children and 2 adults, being the deadliest school massacre in Texas history and the second by number of fatalities among those that occurred in schools to Nacional level

The attacker, Salvador Ramos, 18, was killed by the agents. He entered the school with a gun that he had legally acquired, just after his birthday.

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