FUSCLEAN technology allows preventive cleaning of catheters and valves in patients with hydrocephalus.

Researchers from the University of Seville and the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital have published the results of the first successful test of a new technology created to prevent obstructions in catheters and valves (shunts) implanted in patients’ brains with hydrocephalus.

The early diagnosis and treatment of this complication is a considerable medical challenge, given that there is currently no preventive technology or protocol to prevent it. Over time, the complication affects a considerable majority of hydrocephalus patients with implanted shunts. It is estimated that there are approximately 6,000 to 10,000 people (adults and children) with hydrocephalus in Andalusia alone.

The experiments, carried out as part of a European project known as FUSCLEAN, demonstrated the technology and showed that the concentration of ultrasound waves emitted from outside the body can, in a controlled way, detach materials from inside shunts implanted in the brains of patients with hydrocephalus. FUSCLEAN technology allows preventive cleaning of catheters and valves without affecting the brain or other parts of the body.

The study was recently published in the journal Operative Neurosurgery. The concept and the technology were designed and developed by Emilio Gómez, Professor of Applied Physics from the Higher Technical School of Engineering at the University of Seville, in collaboration with Javier Márquez, Neurosurgeon from the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío and of the Biomedical Institute of Seville (IBIS) and Associate Professor at the University of Seville.

This research includes 3D digital simulations, experiments with real catheters and valves on mannequins and laboratory models.

A technology for a relevant disease

Hydrocephalus is a very important neurological disease. If left untreated, the disease is fatal. In most cases (80%), treatment consists of implanting a cerebrospinal fluid shunt system (using a catheter and valve) to a distal cavity (typically the peritoneum). However, complications are frequent and difficult to anticipate. The most common are flow obstructions through implanted catheters and valves and require immediate neurosurgical treatment due to the risk of serious neurological damage or even death. These complications have a profound social impact on the quality of life of patients, their families and caregivers and have a high financial cost.

The FUSCLEAN technology will make it possible to develop a personalized preventive treatment, depending on the condition of the individuals and their shunt, which could be scheduled as part of the periodic examinations of the patients.

The only Andalusian project selected

The concept and design of the project began as part of a high impact and repercussion European program (ATTRACT Programme), led by CERN, whose objective was to develop innovative technologies for science and society. More than 1200 proposals from 40 countries have been submitted to this program; FUSCLEAN was the only Andalusian project selected for funding.

The implementation of the research also has the support of the Government of Andalusia, through the Andalusian-Tech International Campus of Excellence of the Universities of Malaga and Seville in the areas of Health and Social Welfare and the collaboration of the Foundation for Innovation and Prospective Health in Spain (FIPSE) and the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA), in charge of technology transfer.

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Journal reference:

Gomez-Gonzalez, E., et al. (2022) Noncontact ultrasonic cavitation for the prevention of shunt obstruction in hydrocephalus: a proof-of-concept study. Operative neurosurgery. doi.org/10.1227/ons.0000000000000372.

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