Garlic will not give it up anymore for these reasons

Follow up – Samah Ismail

Give garlic water. Amazing health benefits. For those who take it regularly. It effectively contributes to purifying the body of toxins. and maintain blood sugar levels. It also contributes to reducing cough, asthma, common cold symptoms and other general health benefits.

In this article, we will list some of its benefits:

Balance blood sugar levels

Garlic water contains more than 400 chemicals that interact with the body to activate it and promote the release of insulin levels naturally in the liver to regulate sugar levels.

Reducing coughs and colds

Mixing garlic extract with water several times a day helps to get rid of a cough, as it helps calm respiratory infections, and then treat asthma and cough symptoms.

lowering cholesterol

Garlic contains a percentage of some compounds known as physoteroles that help lower the level of harmful cholesterol, but this does not replace the intake of cholesterol medications, and it also helps to strengthen the walls of the heart.

eyesight enhancement

Garlic is characterized by its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which keeps the eyes healthy, and it contains a high percentage of sulfur, which has been shown to help prevent cataracts, especially with age and diabetes.

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