“Geneva’s Outdoor Smoking Ban: Latest Updates and Implementation Details”

2023-05-03 14:04:24


Outdoor smoking ban is moving forward

While cigarettes have been banned for more than a year in certain outdoor spaces, the State has just specified the perimeter concerned. Operators have until January 2024 to comply.


sport, ainsi qu’aux arrêts des transports publics.  " title=" Depuis avril 2022, la clope est interdite aux abords des écoles et autres lieux de formation, des pataugeoires, piscines, patinoires, aires de jeu et terrains de sport, ainsi qu’aux arrêts des transports publics.  " height="300" layout="responsive" src="https://i0.wp.com/cdn.unitycms.io/images/AV7ScAqZKwk9QLEJeXIwip.jpg?resize=400%2C300&ssl=1" width="400" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive" data-recalc-dims="1">

Since April 2022, cigarette smoking has been banned near schools and other places of training, paddling pools, swimming pools, ice rinks, playgrounds and sports fields, as well as at public transport stops.

20min/David Ramseyer

More than a year after the entry into force of smoking ban in some outdoor public spaces, its Implementation still remains limited. The Council of State has just incorporated a new article into the implementing regulations. This aims to detail the scope affected by the ban. 9 meters. This is the distance at which it will be forbidden to smoke near the outdoor play areas of any public school establishment (from primary schools to the University of Geneva via high schools). 9 meters is also the radius within which smoking is banned near any door, air vent or window communicating with the unenclosed spaces of these places. A total ban is advocated in the outdoor area of ​​these institutions.

Outdoor swimming pools and bus stop

For outdoor pools, it will be possible to create a smoking area, this time again more than 9 meters from the edge of the pools. The space should not exceed 10 m². It will also be possible to smoke on the terraces of the bars and restaurants of the swimming pools, provided that they are a good distance from the pools.

Finally, with regard to public transport, it will be forbidden to light a cigarette at stops, in waiting areas and in bus shelters. The entry into force of these new restrictions is set for June 1, 2023, with a deadline of January 1, 2024, granted to operators or managers to signal the ban on smoking in an appropriate manner.

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