Genghis Khan: Where is the Great Emperor’s Grave of the Mongol Empire located? why no one knows

3 hours ago

image source, National Palace Museum


Genghis Khan was the founder of the great Mongol Empire.

Genghis Khan was a warrior emperor who united the various nomads into a mighty Mongol empire spanning the Pacific Ocean to present-day Ukraine. And at the death of his descendants in 1227, the Mongol Empire spread further and further.

Despite being a great leader in world history But no one knew exactly where this emperor’s body was buried. Or he will have a pyramid burial monument of an Egyptian pharaoh. Or a large tomb like Qin Shi Huang?

A history expert told science news website. Live Science That the answer to this question remains a mystery to this day. And it’s unlikely anyone will find the answer anytime soon.

Moreover Many people in Mongolia may not want to know the answer. Because for them, Genghis Khan was not just a historical figure. But he was also revered by many Mongols.

Associate Professor William Honeychurch, an anthropologist at Yale University in the United States, said if Genghis Khan’s tomb was discovered, it would be of great importance to the people of Mongolia. Until it may become an important place in religion that people pay respect to.

while Professor Nancy Steinhart, an expert on East Asian art from the Penn Museum The University of Pennsylvania said one possibility is that Genghis Khan may be buried in eastern Mongolia’s Kentii province. which is his birthplace

“I think the grave should be in the mountains of Kentii Province. But I don’t think it will be discovered anytime soon,” Professor Steinhart said.

A group of researchers studying the matter said in a study published in 2014 that current historical or archaeological sources have little to say about the location or nature of Genghis Khan’s tomb. Studying satellite imagery in search of archaeological evidence, they found nothing that could be the emperor’s tomb.

Genghis Khan Memorial in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Genghis Khan Monument in Ulaanbaatar capital of mongolia

In “The Secret History of the Mongols”, the oldest Mongol literature written by an anonymous person after Genghis Khan’s death He did not mention his grave. But it only states that in 1227 Genghis Khan “ascended to heaven”.

However, the piece said Genghis Khan had strong ties to Burkhan Khaldun, a holy mountain in Kentii province. Once in his youth he had escaped the pursuit of enemies into this valley.

Meanwhile, Genghis Khan was quoted as saying: “Every morning I worship Burkhan Kaldun, daily I pray to him. My grandchildren must remember this and act the same way!”

Genghis Khan’s strong bond with Burkan Kaldun raises the question of whether his body will be buried here. But until now, no graves or cemeteries have been discovered.

In his book Genghis Khan: The Man Who Conquered the World, historian Frank McLynn states that when Genghis Khan died at the age of 67, he was fighting the Tangut tribe. (Tangut), which is in northwest China today. And this might be difficult to bring his body back to Mongolia. Because at that time, it was probably 500 km away from the territory of present-day Mongolia.

Mr McLynn believed that The Mongols at that time did not know how to embalm and had to bury Genghis. Khan on the way because his body had decomposed before he reached Mongolia. It is possible that the emperor’s body may be buried in the Ordos region of northwest China.

Marco Polo’s Claims

Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant and explorer who traveled through Asia along the Silk Road between the years 1271 – 1295 stated in the book According to “The Travels of Marco Polo,” about 20,000 people who knew Genghis Khan’s grave were killed to keep it a secret.

Although the aforementioned Marco Polo has been referenced many times in history. But it was written decades after Genghis Khan’s death.

In addition, several claims made by Marco Polo, such as that Genghis Khan’s grandson appointed him as an official, It is disputed by many modern historians. This raises doubts that Claims About Genghis’ Grave Will his khan be true?

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