Georgia Power Stock Analysis: Buy, Hold, or Sell?

2023-06-27 20:10:00

The present analysis deals with Georgia Power, which is listed in the “Electrical Utilities” segment. The stock trades on 6/26/2023 11:39 p.m. at $24,328.

We analyzed this share in 4 points and assigned the rating “Buy”, “Hold” and “Sell”. At the end of the analysis you will find the resulting overall rating.

1. Technical Analysis: The average closing price of Georgia Power stock for the last 200 trading days is currently $23.72. The last closing price (USD 24,328) deviates by +2.56 percent, which corresponds to a “hold” rating from a technical point of view. Let’s look at the average from the last 50 trading days. For this one ($24.58), the last close is also close to the moving average (-1.03 percent deviation). As such, Georgia Power stock continues to receive a “hold” rating on this shorter-term basis. Bottom line, this gives Georgia Power stock a “hold” rating on basic charting terms.

2. Relative Strength Index: With the help of the Relative Strength Index (RSI), an indicator from technical analysis, a statement can be made as to whether a security is “overbought” or “oversold”. To do this, the upward and downward movements of an underlying asset are compared over time. Let’s look at the last 7-day RSI for Georgia Power stock, which currently stands at 83.59. As a result, the security is overbought and we therefore assign a “sell” rating. The RSI of the last 25 trading days is less volatile than the RSI7 and adds a longer-term perspective to our analysis. Contrary to the RSI7, Georgia Power is neither overbought nor oversold here. The security is therefore rated “Hold” for the RSI25. Overall, the analysis of the RSIs on Georgia Power provides a “sell” rating.

3. Sentiment and Buzz: Georgia Power can also be observed and evaluated over a longer period of time in terms of the number of verbal contributions (the intensity of the discussion) and the rate of mood change. This allows interesting conclusions to be drawn about the long-term mood of the past few months. Specifically: The share showed average activity. This indicates a medium discussion intensity and requires a “Hold” rating. However, the rate of mood change shows hardly any changes, which corresponds to an assessment as a “hold” value. The overall rating for Georgia Power in this regard is: “Hold”.

Buy, hold or sell Georgia Power?

How will Georgia Power develop now? Is an entry worthwhile or should investors rather sell? Find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the latest Georgia Power analysis.

#Georgia #Power #Stock #Year #Bring

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