Georgina Rodriguez confessions about Cristiano Ronaldo March

In an important television program, the couple of the famous soccer player touched on various intimate topics.

Georgina Rodriguez revealed details of the privacy of her husband, the soccer star, Cristiano Ronaldo. The model and businesswoman told the secrets of their relationship, such as the reaction she had the day they met.

Likewise, the famous took the opportunity to talk about the gifts that are given and also confessed a girl’s story that helped her to educate her children. It will be this Friday when the second season of I’m Georginathe series of Netflix en which she shows how her life is.

“I am very organized. I am very young, I love children, those of others do not ”, counted Gio. He also stressed that she and he met while working at the premises of a well-known clothing brand.

“He is a very handsome man, when I saw him he was so handsome that I was ashamed to look at him. I felt butterflies”, relates the model.

More confessions of Georgina Rodríguez

In addition, he confessed a very special gift that he gave him and that had no monetary value. “This year, for my birthday, he gave me his time because it usually coincides with matches, I felt super happy ”, revealed.

In addition, he added that she has given him three vehicles and he no longer gives him more, since it is not original. Likewise, she emphasized that in her house “It is spoken in Spanish” and she remembered a girl’s story that marked her to be able to educate her children.

Georgina Rodríguez uploads an intimate photo of Cristiano Ronaldo with little clothing, showing his support

“When my children leave food scraps, I save it for a snack or show them pictures of kids who don’t have to eat”, he detailed. Finally, she referred with regret to her baby who died in 20233, but that her series helped her get ahead.

“It has brought me a lot of darkness, but also a lot of love, doing this season has made me very happy, I have felt very supported”, Georgina Rodríguez finally pointed out.

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