German Man Deliberately Receives 217 Covid-19 Shots: Study Reveals Surprising Results

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A 62-year-old man from Magdeburg, Germany, reported receiving 217 Covid-19 shots between June 2021 and November 2023.

One German man has redefined “man on a mission.” A 62-year-old from Magdeburg deliberately got 217 Covid-19 vaccine shots in the span of 29 months, according to a new study, going against national vaccine recommendations. That’s an average of one jab every four days.

In the process, he became a walking experiment for what happens to the immune system when it is vaccinated against the same pathogen repeatedly. A correspondence published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases outlined his case and concluded that while his “hypervaccination” did not result in any adverse health effects, it also did not significantly improve or worsen his immune response.

The man, who is not named in the correspondence, reported receiving 217 Covid

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