GISMETEO: Scientists have obtained the first image of a black hole at the center of our galaxy – Science and space

The study was carried out by the project Event Horizon Telescope is a network of radio telescopes with which you can study the vicinity of black holes in incredible resolution.

Earlier project obtained an image of a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy M87. In the picture you can see a fuzzy black circle with a ring of fire. The first observations were made on the basis of an object close to us so that one could see the “shadow” of a black hole, which turned out to be round, as predicted by the theory of relativity.

Now a snapshot of a supermassive black hole has been taken. Sgr A – it was made by averaging thousands of images created using different computational methods.

© Event Horizon Telescope collaboration

The image contains the details that are most often repeated in the images.
Supercomputer modeling was used for the analysis.

Comparison of the image with the models showed that the hole really rotates – from the Earth it is observed “from the side”, and not “from above”. The diameter of its event horizon is 25.4 million km.

Experts note that this cannot be called a discovery, but it is quite a technical achievement: it was very difficult to obtain an image, it was necessary to create new data analysis algorithms. Among other things, it has been recorded that a black hole has a photon ring and a shadow, just like a black hole. M87.

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