GNOME telemetry

Wed, 31 August 2022, Lioh Möller

Similar to KDE Plasma for some time now Fall is, the GNOME project now also wants to collect telemetry data in order to improve the software in the long term.

For this purpose, the developer Vojtech Stanek has developed an application called as part of an internship at Red Hat gnome-info-collect released. Packages are already available for different distributions such as Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch Linux and openSUSE disposal.

The program currently collects and transmits, among other things:

  • Hardware information, including manufacturer and model.
  • Various system settings, such as the workspace configuration and what sharing features have been enabled.
  • Application information, e.g. B. which applications are installed and which are preferred.
  • Which GNOME Shell extensions have been installed and activated.

A full list of all information collected can be found at README of the project.

The transmitted data is anonymised and does not contain any personal information. Before sending, all telemetry data is listed and the user must actively agree to the transmission.


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