Go to the doctor immediately … a warning sign of high cholesterol appears “around your neck”

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: Experts explained that one of the signs of high cholesterol may appear around the neck.
Because high cholesterol does not cause symptoms, the condition is often diagnosed during routine blood tests. Checking levels is critical because coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease cause serious health complications, including heart attack and stroke.
Medical News Today lists swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, stomach, and neck veins as expected of some symptoms from both conditions.
“Anyone who experiences severe chest pain, dizziness, or fainting should seek emergency care,” she adds. She explains that swollen neck veins can be seen with a number of circulatory diseases, as well as injuries.
These swollen veins are scientifically known as jugular varicose veins, which occur when the pressure within the vena cava increases and begins to swell.
These swollen veins usually run down the side of a person’s neck. Swelling, common with peripheral arterial disease, occurs when small blood vessels leak fluid into nearby tissues. As excess fluid builds up, the tissue swells.
And Medicines Online explains that swelling in the neck and shoulders may be accompanied by pain. If both symptoms appear together, this should require a health examination.

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