Gold prices today, January 6, 2022.. All bullets declined in the goldsmiths market

witnessed Gold prices today In Egypt, Thursday, January 6, 2022, the price of gold continued to decline for the second day in a row, as gold prices for all calibers fell by regarding 3 pounds in spot gold transactions, with the continued decline in the price of gold ore globally to levels below 1800 dollars per ounce before gold partially recovered to 1801 dollars. Now, this price is subject to change quickly as a result of economic events and the continuation of trading on the yellow metal.

Gold price in Egypt today:

24 carat record 902 pounds.

21 caliber record 790 pounds.

Carat 18 recorded 676 pounds.

The gold pound is 6320 pounds.

An ounce of gold is $1800.

Gold prices yesterday also witnessed a decline of approximately the same value, regarding 3 pounds in the goldsmiths market for all traded calibers, bringing the prices down to 793 pounds for 21 karat, which is the best-selling in Egypt, and then a new decline today today to the level of 790 pounds until this moment, with the possibility of a new change prices in the coming hours.

All prices published in the context of this report are not added to the prices of workmanship, which differ from one company to another and from one merchant to another, as well as stamping and fees ranging from 7.5 to 8.5 pounds per gram of 21 karat when purchased.


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